Geniune self-awareness

Tasha Eurich – One simple fix to be more self-aware

You all are aware of the word “self-awareness. It means knowing yourself better, and it empowers us to be more and do more. Boosts up the confidence level. And when you know yourself better you take better decisions. you might think that you are self-aware. if you are, then that’s great.

Self-awareness flourishes beautiful relationships, makes us more capable to understand anyone. but in a study, it found that 90% of the people are not self-aware. they are in their own mind trap. so if they are thinking about self-awareness they are self-aware. But it is not true. Being self-aware and thinking about self-awareness are two different things.

So probably you might fall under the category to be more self-aware.

How do we become more self-aware?

So when are in trouble never ask questions like “Why me?”

Whatever the scenario maybe- if you are feeling stuck in a lane, you just scored less in your masters or you just had a fight with your spouse for a very silly thing, or probably you lost something worthy, anything which didn’t align with your plan.

It is easy to ask questions like – Why I am so unlucky? why I am not able to do this? Why did this happen to me? etc.

But you shouldn’t ask such questions, because our brain responds to every single question you ask, and the more you ask such questions the more reasons it gives us to justify it. the answers it gives are negative most of the time. 

So change the why to What.

What can I do to improve my situation?

What are the possibilities?

What are the other way round?

How can I deal with this?

You can come up with your questions which gives you a broader perspective.

Courtesy: Tasha Eurich

A Quick Snack : Headway

Read Like a Pro!

We are aware of the enormous benefits of writing and reading.
Some lucky people easily read books after books without any pressure. I’ve not been that lucky. I know there are many of them like me out there. I cannot finish a book Quickly. But I can really complete an audiobook.

Listing to an audiobook and reading a paperback or e-book is a totally different experience. You tend to gain more by reading. If you are like me, are you struggling to read the book and get the essence out of it?. After all, reading is a great habit. One should definitely try to indulge in reading. Here is an idea which I came across, you can give it a try.

Headway Application

Headway – Headway is a reading app, giving you little snippets and summaries of books. Books that enhance your life from all the genre – Health, finance, leadership, personality, relationship, and hobbies
I like this app because it is easy to operate. You can easily read a lesson in a few minutes, just like you are grabbing a quick healthy snack like almonds, fruits, and juice. It kind of acts like a snack to your brain- a healthy one.

Utilize your spare time to grow!

Whether you are waiting in a queue or an elevator or you are waiting for your cupcakes to baked, you can read a summary of a self-help book than just scrolling Facebook or Instagram feed. You will feel good. It will enhance your reading and communication skills.

The paid version also provides the audio clips- you can use them when you are doing some mindless tasks like – doing dishes or de-cluttering your cupboard.

Try it out and let me know if you find it useful.

Live longer and happier like this one flower

Life is ticking away. You are struggling your way. Different problems and different situations.

When you find a solution for one problem, other pop up.

I know you urge to change the surroundings now, seeking for some peaceful place.

Wondering how to get rid of this loop of problems.

How to focus on accelerating your learning, earning and wellbeing?

One day its office, the other day your spouse complaining about something.

You have a responsibility and you cannot move away from this.

It’s easy for people to advise you to manage this, manage that.

Does that work?

I do not know.

It happens to the most successful people even.

Do not know what to do?

It’s simple, really simple.

What works for me now is this

Take a deep breath and accept the imperfect world.

“All problems become smaller when you confront them instead of dodging them.” – William F. Halsey

Imagine a lotus flower!

Glorious pink!

The flower is firmly rooted in the mud. She opens her heart to the world with happiness. The leaves are wide open during the day. It speaks a loud message. Let beauty be your own reflection!

No one cares as much about what you do as you do.

This flower lives for many years to come.

Blooms and Blossoms beautifully!

She does not drown in the muddy soup.

Standing still and radiating happiness.

Instead of getting rid of surrounding, get rid of your insecurities and blossom.

Get back that spark in your life.

It is not just you, we all have the same problems.

Glow like this flower and radiate happiness despite your surroundings.

Serve and Grow Rich!

Financial Wealth can be fleeting, but what we do for others is lasting.

Yesterday we had the privilege to visit an orphanage to serve orphans. They were so happy. Serving others make us feel good about ourselves because in our heart we know it’s the right thing to do. Our heart smiles.

As Marian Wright said, “Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time”.Even simplest gestures demonstrate this.


See you next time, Till then keep that smile and serve!

Much love,


Be Yourself

I have heard people quoting  “Be yourself” and everyone nods at the statement.Finally, I was able to experience the true meaning of this two words.

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There’s magic which happens when you connect with your friends,People who understand you. I met and connected with my friends Yesterday,after a long week. At that moment, I was experiencing “Be yourself -Feeling”.You don’t care about anything because you know you are with right friends, friends who accept the way you are, and appreciate for being real, enjoy your madness .There is not a single thought of being judged by someone and  it’s an amazing feeling?. Friendship is indeed one of the life’s greatest blessings. Wrong friends can bring you down into the places where you never thought you would go.The right ones bring you up.Choose friends wisely.You can change the course of your life, associating with genuine folks who understands your dream.The day was rejuvenating,refreshing, energizing and brought back some old good memories.

I feel so good. See you in next post ! Till then “Be yourself” and share your thoughts.

The inspiration

for this post-#friends#Preeti Shenoy’blog#mind.

This is my new website


Everyone has got problems to solve, doubts to be cleared. There are few things we are confident about in our life and we lag behind in others. We have a goal to accomplish, but there are certain things which stop us from doing.

Exercise your brain in different way. According to science and research of last few years, YOU ARE POTENTIAL GENIUS, you have within you right now. We habitually fail to use brain power sometimes. Your IQ is not fixed, the more you use brain the more you can use.This simple idea can change your life, it has changed millions of people.

  1. Take a sheet of paper
  2. Write down your goal or problem or anything you want to do, in the form of a question.Good questions can move your health, business, organization, or career .for eg. How can I be an entrepreneur ?, How can I Bond with my partner?, How can I reduce stress in my life? how can I get promotion?

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Then FORCE yourself to write 20 answers to that questions. This might not be easy for someone to write 20 answers but force yourself to answer 20 question minimum.You will be absolutely amazed by the quality of the answers that appear on the page before you. This is powerful creative-thinking exercise.

Go over your list and select one answer which you can implement easily, the faster you implement the more ideas will come to you. Ask yourself on regular basis.

You can even Trick your brain with Imagination.