Everyone has got problems to solve, doubts to be cleared. There are few things we are confident about in our life and we lag behind in others. We have a goal to accomplish, but there are certain things which stop us from doing.

Exercise your brain in different way. According to science and research of last few years, YOU ARE POTENTIAL GENIUS, you have within you right now. We habitually fail to use brain power sometimes. Your IQ is not fixed, the more you use brain the more you can use.This simple idea can change your life, it has changed millions of people.

  1. Take a sheet of paper
  2. Write down your goal or problem or anything you want to do, in the form of a question.Good questions can move your health, business, organization, or career .for eg. How can I be an entrepreneur ?, How can I Bond with my partner?, How can I reduce stress in my life? how can I get promotion?

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Then FORCE yourself to write 20 answers to that questions. This might not be easy for someone to write 20 answers but force yourself to answer 20 question minimum.You will be absolutely amazed by the quality of the answers that appear on the page before you. This is powerful creative-thinking exercise.

Go over your list and select one answer which you can implement easily, the faster you implement the more ideas will come to you. Ask yourself on regular basis.

You can evenĀ Trick your brain with Imagination.